2Rocks Investment
Commercial real estate investment
You need a lot of inside-knowledge when investing in commercial real estate such as shopping centers and leisure projects. Not only knowledge of the real estate object itself is required, but also aspects such as the regional development and the economic prospects of the region, the condition of the building and potentially expiring leases. 2Rocks can help you acquire all this important information. Based on this information, we will create direct and indirect real estate funds with great efficiency realized by our expertise and that of our affiliated companies. Maintenance (planning and execution) and administration can also be performed by 2Rocks. Your investment will certainly benefit from it.
We want to offer you optimal efficiency and maximum return.
Our affiliated investment partners are:
Solid Stone Investments, www.solidstone.nl
Van Gorkom Retail Property Consultancy, www.vangorkomenpartners.nl
Compact Real Estate Services, compact-res.nl
Compact Financial Services, compact-fs.nl